Privacy policy

TinyOx – Privacy Policy

We understand that privacy is a very important factor to the client base. We value all the data of our all customers and use it under strict rules and regulations. This statement of privacy elaborates the type of information we gain from you and how do we utilize it, and what are the terms of sharing. It provides a guideline about the customer rights as well.

The handling of data is through transparency and openness. TinyOx has a commitment to protect your data and keep your privacy. There are several steps involved in creating value for our customers including the handling and protection of your data or also referred to as Personal Data, it is called processing of the data. All the data is protected under legislation rules and regulations. To understand thoroughly, the following are some important insights,

  • Collection and Usage of your Personal Data

 To deliver the required information your personal data is collected under the regulation of ‘Data Protection Legislation’. A special type of data that is considered to be sensitive including your religion, political views, etc. is safeguarded by the special category of the Legislation.

We use your data to provide you with the customised services that you require and solely for those purposes including the changes in services, site administration, and security.

  • Cookies

 Our site uses cookies which your permission, which help us understand what the user requires and what is the pattern of usage. You can control this through browser settings.

  • Legal laws

We use the data as authorized by the legal law to fulfill the legal requirements and discharge the legal obligations. It helps us improve our services.

  • Data Retention

Only for the purposes of customer satisfaction and services improvement, we keep your data just as long as it is necessary.

  • Data Protection

 Our team ensures the safety of your online information, protecting it from and damage, loss, or cyber threats. The internet is not although completely a safe place, but we have created secure servers to protect the data.

  • Rights of the Customer

At any point in time, you can ask about the data that is held against your name, make alterations, process restrictions, and/or ask us to delete certain information which you believe to be unnecessary.